On July 7th of this year one of the most expensive biblical cosplay costumes was opened to the public, the Ark Encounter.  A vision of creationist museum creator Ken Ham, and partially paid using public funds from the state of Kentucky, this religious monument is a breathtaking example of why we need to remain vigilant in our efforts to strengthen the wall of church state separation.

Justin Scott is no stranger to Atheist Talk listeners, he is a public atheist activist with the Eastern Iowa Atheists, and was part of a peaceful counter protest, organized by the Tri-State Freethinkers, against the public funding of this religious building.  Justin is here today to discuss his experiences with other atheist protestors, as well as they pushback they received from evangelical christian groups, upset at the atheist protest.

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Atheists Talk radio and podcast is a communications service of Minnesota Atheists.  Our volunteer producers, hosts, interviewers, and contributors are committed to presenting topics of interest to atheists and humanists. Topics include, but are not limited to, general atheism and humanism, separation of church and state, science, religion, gender, race, culture, and the arts.