Our guest this weekend on Atheists Talk is Mary Morse, author of the new book "Wonderful Without Religion." From the book description: 

Reason is on the rise. The world of atheists, agnostics, humanists, and others is growing fast. With optimism and insight, Wonderful Without Religion removes the stigma from secularism and portrays a heavenly future, inspired by logic and rich with family, friends, meaning, and morality. Discover sensational strategies you can use to break out of the faith closet, raise happy and healthy nonreligious kids, and create meaningful celebrations to mark life’s important events. Learn how modern nonbelievers manifest morality, build supportive communities, and lead the way to peaceful societies.

Mary Morse is an author with interests in religion and it's alternatives, social equity, climate change and the environment, education, urbanism, the future and other small topics. Join us this Sunday to learn more about Mary Morse and how her life is wonderful without religion.

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Atheists Talk radio and podcast is a communications service of Minnesota Atheists.  Our volunteer producers, hosts, interviewers, and contributors are committed to presenting topics of interest to atheists and humanists. Topics include, but are not limited to, general atheism and humanism, separation of church and state, science, religion, gender, race, culture, and the arts.